Welcome to The Werewolf Cafe's January full moon phase! This month's full moon is called the "Full Wolf Moon" (and our favorite full moon here on this site).

Upcoming releases:

Note: If you would like to email something werewolf related, that you want posted for a future full moon phase, please feel free to do so. You can either use the submit button here on the site or just email it to fullmoon@werewolfcafe.com The forums here are open every day of the year, and you'll find interesting werewolf topics including:

  • Werewolf legends & lore
  • Werewolf films
  • Werewolf books & comic books
  • Werewolf Cafe Forum Member's writing & art projects
  • Werewolf gaming
  • And much more!

Enjoy the site this month, and beware of the full moon...

one comment:

I was born during the febuary full moon, on the 14th. does that mean any thing?

ion dusk (URL) - February 11 2011 - 13:14

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