Submitted by: Full Moon
Welcome to The Werewolf Cafe's December full moon phase! This month's full moon is called the "Full Cold Moon" (because of the colder weather during this time of year). This full moon is also called the "Full Long Nights Moon" or the "Moon before Yule".
Happy Howl-idays!
Special note: The winter solstice is on December 21 (for northern hemisphere), and that is considered to be the shortest day of the year (the day with the least amount of sunlight within the 24 hours).
If you are interested in submitting something for a future full moon phase, please use the "Submit" button option here on the site to submit your artwork, photo, story, email and/or link to be posted for a future full moon phase. Thank you!
Upcoming releases:
Enjoy the site this month, and beware of the full moon...
Submitted by: Full Moon
Welcome to The Werewolf Cafe's November full moon phase! This month's full moon is called "The Full Beaver Moon" (this name is due to the winter fur trapping and maybe also because beavers are active in their preparation for winter). This full moon is also called the "Frosty Moon".
We hope you are enjoying the brand "new" Werewolf Cafe website, there will be even more new features in the months to come. If you are interested in submitting something for a future full moon phase, please use the "Submit" button option on the site here.
Upcoming releases:
Enjoy the site this month, and beware of the full moon…