Full Moon Posting #23
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Submitted by: Full Moon
Happy Howl-i-days! Welcome to The Werewolf Cafe's December full moon phase! This month's full moon is called the Full Cold Moon, the Full Long Nights Moon or the Moon Before Yule. The winter solstice is this month on December 21st.
Happy Birthday Forum Member "Army Grey Wolf" (December 25th)
The forums on this site may be of particular interest to you if you're interested in werewolf movies, books, comics, etc. because you'll find posts by various people who work(ed) on werewolf related projects and posted about them. You'll find posts from directors, actors, authors, artists, writers and musicians in the forums here.
Upcoming releases:
- The DVD for the movie titled "Brothers Grimm" will be released on December 20th, 2005.
- A new werewolf movie titled "Underworld Evolution" will be out in theaters on January 20th, 2006! The link to the movie website is at: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/underworldevolution/
- Lori Handeland's book titled "Crescent Moon" (the first novel in her new werewolf trilogy) will be released on February 7th, 2006. (Note: Lori has a website at www.eclectics.com/lorihandeland/index.html )
- Kelley Armstrong's book titled "Broken" will be released on April 25th, 2006. (Note: Kelley has a website at www.kelleyarmstrong.com)
- Ronda Thompson's book titled "The Untamed One" will be out in May, 2006 (this is the second book in her new "The Wild Wulfs of London" series). (Note: Ronda has a website at www.rondathompson.com )
If you are interested in upcoming comic books, check out the forums here, as there are preview order numbers and information on comic book releases posted there as it becomes known.
Enjoy the site this month...and beware of the full moon...