Full Moon #5
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- One question that had came up was regarding the time that this site is open. Well, for right now, this site opens up at the time of the full moon, and remains open for 24 hours after that time. After the 24 hours are up, this site is closed down again until the next full moon. The countdown indicator on the main page is key to knowing what 24 hour time period that this site is open. These are our hours of operation for right now, but we may go to a 3 day full moon phase or a 5 day full moon phase in the future sometime (but that won't even be considered until we build up much more site content).
- A few people emailed that they might want to contribute some artwork or write some postings for this site. We thank you, and hope to hear back from you, and we welcome anyone else who would like to email any werewolf related things in.
- A few questions about the direction that this site heading also came up. Well, the main purpose of this site is that it's a tribute site that is "all werewolf." The ultimate goal of this site is to collect and document as much interesting werewolf information as possible. Our hope is that this website will somehow fill someone's "werewolf interests" and/or keep people amused. Our hope is to keep the site's content as close to 100% accurate as possible too (in fact, if you ever see anything on this website that you know is incorrect, please email in your information, so we can look into it and fix it). We want to build a great website, and there will always be something new for you to look at during any future full moon. This site will keep growing and changing through the years, and we are not sure if it will never be done, as there is so much information for us to read, research, collect, write and/or post (that's one of the reasons why we welcome anyone else who wants to contribute information to this site). There is always more werewolf information out there, too much it feels like lately, with one of the bigger upcoming projects being documenting actual "werewolf legend and lore," now that's a really big project.
- To the great people who sent in such positive emails about the site, we thank you very much.
- We noticed that were a very high number olf returning visitors last full moon, we thank and appreciate all returning visitors for their loyalty to this site, thank you.
- "The Wolfman's Curse" gypsy caravan fascade with Wolf Man figure (mentioned in the "finds" menu) is now in stores and available for sale (I got mine and it is so very, very, very cool).
- The new Harry Potter movie does have a werewolf character in it, and it is getting some good press in the newspapers. Check it out and post your thoughts in our new forum that is available even when the moon isn't full.
- The "blue moon" is coming! For those of you who don't know what a blue moon is, it is the second full moon within the same month, and it is possible that some countries have blue moons one month and other countries have blue moons in another months (because of time differences around the world). We here at The Werewolf Café will be celebrating the blue moon on July 31st (as this site is run on "Universal Time"), so it is possible that your blue moon is in a different month depending on where you live. When we close, will be changing the color of the moon to blue on our main page in order to celebrate this great upcoming event. Just to show you the reality of the phrase "once in a blue moon," the next blue moon won't be until June of 2007!
- So, I was coming out of a Starbucks one morning, and I was walking out to my car and one of the customer's in the parking lot asked me if my car was the one with all the werewolf stuff in it, I said "yes" and she said, "I thought so" and she called me "the werewolf guy." To tell you the truth, I am not sure how to take that one, but I thought it was pretty funny, and she did too.
- I had a birthday recently, and my Friends at work decorated my work space in a Tex-Mex/Southwestern/Mexican fiesta type of decorations. Well, they put a cutout of a coyote with a bandana over the doorway and wrote "Mexican Werewolf" on it, I thought it was pretty funny, yeah, I think they know me a little too well (nice "improvisation" with the coyote guys).
- Some of my Friends and Co-Workers now literally "howl" (or act out like they are howling at the moon) from time to time when they see me. I think I am getting a reputation, not sure how to feel about that one either, but I think it is pretty funny too. Now am I the weird one or are they?
- My Cousin just got me another wolf souvenir when she was on vacation in Wisconsin's Northwoods (a wolf statute with a picture frame that hangs around it's neck, last year she got me a wolf t-shirt). Both souvenirs are pretty cool, and unexpected, she's cool.
We always thank you for your continued patronage at The Werewolf Café!