Full Moon Posting #19
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Submitted by: Full Moon
This month's full moon is called the Full Fruit Moon or Full Barley Moon.
If you are new to the site, we wanted to let you know that this site is only open during a full moon phase (but the forums here are open everyday).
A bit of news here is that the forums on this site were redone since the last full moon phase to make things easier to find, hopefully everyone using the forums is happy with the new layout.
Birthdays this month:
Happy Birthday Forum Member Raziel Lupin (August 1)!
Upcoming releases:
C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp's book titled "Moon's Web" was just released
(Note: Cie and Cathy have a website at www.ciecatrunpubs.com)
Ronda Thompson's book titled "The Dark One" (the first novel in her new werewolf series) will be released in November, 2005!
(Note: Ronda has a website at www.rondathompson.com)
Enjoy the site this month, and until next time, beware of the full moon...