Full Moon posting #13
Submitted by: Full Moon
Welcome to The Werewolf Café's 13th full moon! Thank you for stopping by and visiting during this full moon phase! This month's full moon is called the "Full Snow Moon" since the heaviest snow falls are usually this month. It is also called the "Full Hunger Moon" because the bad weather made hunting difficult.
If you are new to this website, we wanted to let you know that this site is only open during a full moon phase, so when the moon is looking full up in the sky, this website will be open. As the moon begins to look less full, this website will close down again until the time of the next full moon, but the forums here remain open everyday.
Werewolf News:
- The Werewolf Café will be celebrating its "First Birthday" at the next full moon (the March Full Moon). If you would like to email something in special for that event, you can send it in at anytime from now until one week before the March full moon. Please send all "First Birthday" emails to fullmoon@werewolfcafe.com and please type "First Birthday" in the "subject" field of your email. "Thank you" in advance to anyone who will be sending something in, please help us make this March full moon event a special one.
- A new "Werewolf Transforming Plush" toy from Toy Vault will be available this month! This plush toy looks like a lumberjack and it can be transformed into a werewolf. It will retail for $29.99.
- Wes Craven has a werewolf movie out in theaters on February 25th (this week) called "Cursed" (you can read more about this movie in the forums here on this site).
If you are a writer, an artist, a poet or someone who just wants to post something cool or fun that's werewolf related on this site for a future full moon phase, just email it on in along with a greeting, any weblinks and/or anything else you want to say, to our site's Admin at fullmoon@werewolfcafe.com at anytime.
Thank you for stopping by The Werewolf Cafe today! Until next time, beware of the full moon...
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