Full Moon #8
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Hello, this is The Werewolf Cafe's 8th full moon! Thank you for dropping in today during this full moon phase! This full moon is called the "Harvest Moon" so take some time to look at the moon outside tonight and enjoy! If the moon looks like it's more of an orange to red color this month (when it's on the horizon), it's partially due to the fact that you are looking at the moon through much more dust particles than usual (there's more dust in the air this month because of crop harvesting).
If you are a returning visitor, you know that The Werewolf Cafe hours of operation are longer than they were in the past (so everyone can have a more time to see what's on the site now). The time that this site will be open now is basically this: if the moon is full looking, we're open, if the moon is not so full looking, we're closed. Yeah, we decided to take all the math out of it, so when the moon in the sky (and the changing moon image on the main page of this site) looks full, we'll be open (so no more countdown feature).
Some questions came up last month regarding how to find old articles on the site, so we want to let you know that on each of The Werewolf Cafe's menus you'll see the last 5 to 8 articles or so that were sent in and posted, but if you want to see any "old" articles that were posted before that, you will need to use the "archive" panel on the left hand side of each of the menus. Each menu has it's own "archive panel," and the archives are filed by month, so you will be able to find all old postings that way by month.
Some werewolf related things of interest:
- Reminder that Laurell K. Hamilton's new book "Incubus Dreams" is out for this full moon phase. The book release date is September 28th, 2004 (which is the day of the full moon here at the site by the way, as we are on Universal Time here).
- Reminder that Universal Studio's movie "Van Helsing" comes out on DVD in 3 weeks (October 19th, 2004). The links below are for the Ultimate Edition DVD, the Widescreen Edition DVD, and the Fullscreen DVD, respectively.
- Reminder that C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp's new book "Hunter's Moon" comes out on December 12th. Please read the email message they sent in to post for you, it is located in the "email" and "book" menus on this site. Cathy also has a forum on this website, so feel free to join the forums and post there.
- X-Plus USA now has a 1/6 scale pre-painted cold-cast resin bust statue of Universal Studio's "Wolf Man" available for sale. The bust is based on the werewolf character that was played by Lon Chaney Junior in the 1941 movie "The Wolf Man." It retails for $59.99.
- Imperial Toy Corp. has made a strechable werewolf toy that is available at Walgreens ("The Pharmacy America Trusts") for only $1.99, it is very cool looking (I have one in fact). This seems like a "must have" item for any werewolf fan, especially since it is only $1.99.
We did want to mention that the third "Ginger Snaps" movie is now out and available. It is titled "Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning" by Lionsgate. It currently has 5 out of 5 stars for their average customer review on amazon.com, so it looks like a winner (I have a copy of it in fact).
We also wanted to mention that there is a "Bubba Meets Cracked!" comic story in "Cracked Magazine" that is on news stands right now. It is in issue #365 Nov 2004 and is $2.95 US, ($3.95 Foreign/Canada). The "Bubba Meets Cracked!" story starts on Page 28. Jesse Hansen who did the art for this issue, has a forum on this website, so feel free to join the forums and post there.
Next month, The Werewolf Café will be open one extra day, so it can be open for the Halloween holiday. So, if you are not out and about for Halloween this year, you can at least know that you can drop in and visit the site here that day. Since we already received two emails on this, we wanted to mention that The Werewolf Café will post any submitted werewolf costume photos during the November full moon phase, so if you email in your werewolf costume photo images anytime between now and the November full moon phase, they will get posted for at November full moon phase for you (so it will be like having Halloween twice this year).
The Werewolf Café is your "all-werewolf cafe," so if you're a writer, an artist, a poet, or someone who just wants to post something cool or fun that's werewolf related on this site for a future full moon, just email it in along with a greeting, any weblinks and/or anything else you want to say. Also, please sign your email the way you want it to appear on the site. You can send your emails to fullmoon@werewolfcafe.com at anytime (or you can use the new submission feature on the main page of this site).
Our deepest appreciation and thanks to all of you for stopping by this full moon, and our deepest appreciation to everyone who is supporting this site in some way. Please take some time to look around the rest of the site before it closes until the next full moon. Also, please consider joining the forums so you can post your thoughts about the many werewolf related topics you'll find in there. Until next month then, beware of the full moon...