Full Moon Posting #20
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Submitted by: Full Moon
This month's full moon is called the Full Harvest Moon and many crops are ready to be harvested by this time. This month's full moon is the one closest to the date of autumnal equinox (the autumnal equinox is on September 22).
If you are new to the site, we wanted to let you know that this site is only open during a full moon phase (but the forums here are open everyday).
Birthdays this month:
- Happy Birthday Forum Member "wolf_mama1982" (September 14)!
- Happy Birthday Forum Member "Fuzzball" (September 16)!
- Happy Birthday Forum Member "MarkOne" (September 29)!
- Happy Birthday Forum Member "JamieD" (September 30)!
Wedding announcements:
- Congratulations to Forum Member "Orange_Eyed Wolf" who is getting married on September 17th!
- Congratulations to The Werewolf Cafe's website Administrator ("The Admin") who is getting married on September 25! He is marrying a really, really cool girl. Congratulations and best wishes to both of you for a long and happy life together!
Special announcement:
- Many of the forum members here have been affected in some way by "Hurricane Katrina". We continue to be hopeful that the future will bring brighter days to all those who are still struggling.
Upcoming releases:
- Ronda Thompson's book titled "The Dark One" (the first novel in her new werewolf series) will be released on November, 1st 2005. Visit her website at www.rondathompson.com
Enjoy the site this month, and until next time, beware of the full moon...