Full Moon #7
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Welcome to The Werewolf Café's seventh full moon! We hope your past month, since last month's "blue moon," has been good for you.
Some things of interest:
- We have received a number of comments that people would like to see this website open longer, so they can have more time to look at and read what is on the site. So, The Werewolf Café will be open for a three-day full moon phase starting next month, the site will be open for 72 hours instead of 24 hours. So next month, the site will open 36 hours before and the 36 hours after the Universal Time of the full moon. Here's an example of what this means (and remember this is in Universal Time): the next full moon is on September 28 at 1:09 pm, so this site will be open 36 hours before that and 36 hours after that (making it open from September 27 at 1:09 am to September 30 at 1:09 am). We will be posting something abut this (along with a recalibrated countdown feature) on the main page of this site after this full moon phase. A bit confusing? Hopefully not, but if it is, just continue to watch the countdown feature on the main page, and just know that once the countdown feature hits "zero" you will be able to look at the site for 72 hours, so you'll have more time to look at the website.
- The Lion's Gate/Fox movie titled "Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning" comes out on DVD on September 7th.
- The Universal Studio's movie titled "Van Helsing" comes out on DVD on October 19th.
- Laurell K. Hamilton's book titled "Incubus Dreams" comes out on September 28th of this year, it is a story involving a vampire serial killer that preys on strippers....does it promise us more werewolf characters in this tale? We have been told "yes," that Richard and Jason are both in it! (Thank you Darla!)
- C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp's new book titled "Hunter's Moon" comes out on December 12th of this year, it is a story involving a hitman for the Mafia named Tony, who was attacked during a hit gone wrong and ends up becoming a wolf!
- Platinum Disc Corp put out a DVD of the "Howling IV: Original Nightmare" movie on April, 20 earlier this year, there are still copies of it available, we're not positive, but there may have just been a limited run on this title.
Our thanks to our families, our friends, the actors, the actresses, the authors, the artists, the readers and the assistants who are helping or have helped support this site in some way, you have our deepest appeciation and our many thanks, you are all so very, very awesome, thank you!
If this is your first time here, we hope to see you again at a future full moon. If you have been here at one of the previous full moons, we thank you very much for coming back today. All readers, if you are a big werewolf fan, and you are an artist, a writer, a story teller, a LARPer, a poet, a person with a business selling werewolf items, a person who just wants to send in an email about werewolves, be welcome, as this is your "neighbor-web" café. Just email in your greeting and whatever else you want to write, say or send. If you want us to link to your website, let us know in your email greeting, and also sign your email the way you want it to appear on this site. Please send your emails to our admin at fullmoon@thewerewolfcafe.com
Until the next full moon...