Full Moon Posting #28
Submitted by: Full Moon
Welcome to The Werewolf Cafe's May full moon phase! This month's full moon is called the "Full Flower Moon" (it is also called the "Full Corn Planting Moon" or the "Milk Moon"). A few words about the forums on this site: if you are interested in collecting werewolf comic books, check out the forums for preview order numbers and information about upcoming and current comic books. You will also find out about numerous werewolf collectibles that are available (toys, games, dolls, and etc.) in the forums. The forums are also a really good place to find out about the numerous werewolf "indie" films that have been and are being made around the world.
A Werewolf Cafe pint glass was awarded to Brian I. for joining The Werewolf Cafe staff as a backup programmer. Thank you Brian!
Upcoming werewolf related releases:
- The DVD movie "Underworld: Evolution" will be released on June 6th, 2006.
- Rebecca York's next book in her Moon series titled "Shadow of the Moon" will be out on June 6th, 2006. (Note: Rebecca has a website at www.rebeccayork.com)
- C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp's third book in their Sazi series titled "Captive Moon" will be out on August 1st, 2006. (Note: Cie and Cathy have a website at www.ciecatrunpubs.com)
- Lori Handeland's book titled "Midnight Moon" (the next book in her Nightcreature Novel series) will be out on August 1st, 2006. (Note: Lori has a website at www.lorihandeland.com)
Enjoy the site this month, and beware of the full moon...