Full Moon Posting #14
Submitted by: Full Moon
Welcome to The Werewolf Café's 14th full moon! Thank you for stopping by and visiting during this full moon phase! This month's full moon is called the "Full Worm Moon" since the rising temperature causes the ground to thaw and earthworms to surface. This full moon is also known by other names, such as: the "Full Crow Moon" (cawing crows being a sign of winter's end), the "Full Crust Moon" (snow cover looks more "crusted" this time of year due to the freezing and thawing action), the "Full Sap Moon" (due to the tapping of maple trees for sap) or the "Lenten Moon."
This full moon is special here, as it marks the end of the first complete year since The Werewolf Cafe first opened. So, this full moon phase we are celebrating The werewolf Cafe's first birthday! Thank you so very much to everyone who did something special to commemorate this event!
If you are new to this website, we wanted to let you know that this site (in general...see posting below) is only open during a full moon phase, so when the moon is looking full up in the sky, this website will be open. As the moon begins to look less full, this website will close down again until the time of the next full moon, but the forums here remain open everyday.
Enjoy the site and enjoy the full moon...