Full Moon Posting #16
Submitted by: Full Moon
This month's full moon is called the Full Flower Moon, due to the abundance of flowers in bloom at this time of year. Other names for this full moon are the "Full Corn Planting Moon" and the "Milk Moon."
If you are new to the site, we wanted to let you know that this site is only open during a full moon phase (but the forums here are open everyday).
Happy Birthday Forum Member "Darkgreywerefox" (May 12th)!
Happy Birthday Forum Member "The Busboy" (who's birthday falls on the May 23rd full moon)!
The werewolf movie "Cursed" (directed by Wes Craven) will be out on DVD on June 21, 2005.
Enjoy the site this month, and until next time, beware of the full moon...
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