Full Moon #10
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Welcome to The Werewolf Café's 10th full moon! A big "thank you" to all new and returning visitors this month! This month's full moon is called the "Beaver Moon." Historically during this time, beaver traps were set, so the trappers could obtain a supply of furs for the winter (another interpretation for the name of this full moon is that beavers were actively preparing for the winter). This full moon is sometimes called the "Frosty Moon."
If you are new to this website, we wanted to let you know that this site is only open during a full moon phase, so when the moon is looking full, this website is open. As the moon begins to look less full, this website closes down again until the next full moon phase, but the forums here remain open everyday. If you are really into werewolf movies, books, comics and/or etc., please consider checking out and joining the forums, they have proven to be very interesting (and fun).
Werewolf News:
- C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp's new book "Hunter's Moon" will be out in just a few days now on November 30th, 2004. Please read the email message they sent in (it can be found on both the "email" and the "book" menus of this site). Cathy and Cie are forum members here, and there is a forum on their book "Hunter's Moon" (as well as a forum for their sequel book titled "Moon's Web" which will be out in August 2005), so please feel free to check that all out. If you go to their website you can read two chapters of their book "Hunter's Moon" before its release date on November 30th, 2004, and if you check out the forums here, you can read the first chapter of their sequel book "Moon's Web" before its release date in August 2005. The Werewolf Café also knows that both Cie and Cathy had birthdays this week and wants to wish both of them very happy birthdays!
- A new "Werewolf Transforming Plush" toy from Toy Vault will be available in February 2005! This plush toy looks like a lumberjack and it can be transformed into a werewolf. It will retail for $29.99.
- There is a werewolf looking action figure by Duel Masters called "Fear Fang." This action figure is available for $8.99 at Amazon.com (the package reads "Ages 5+," so even little kids can play with werewolves, wow).
- Exciting news! Wes Craven has a werewolf movie coming out on February 25, 2005 called "Cursed," so be on the lookout for that one (you can read more about it in the forums on this site).
- Also, the DVD "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban" is out during this full moon phase (release date is November 23rd, 2004). This movie has a werewolf character in it.
Some basics to help you to navigate this site:
- There is Google translator software on the right hand side of this page.
- While fliping through the menus, you will notice that you can only see postings from the last 3 or 4 months. All menu postings older than that can be found by using the "archive panel" on the left hand side of each menu. All postings (old and new) are archived by month.
- If you want to see an image better, click on it and a larger one will appear for you.
- If you want to read one of the articles in a page type of format, click on the uppermost top right corner icon of the article you want to read and it will display in a page type format for you.
- If you would like to leave a comment on one of the articles posted here, you can do so by clicking on the comment icon on the bottom right hand corner of each article (some of the artists and writers here would really like to hear feedback from you).
- If you would like to leave a quick or general comment about the site, please sign The Werewolf Cafe guest book before you leave today, thank you!
If you are a writer, an artist, a poet, or someone who just wants to post something cool or fun that's werewolf related on this site for a future full moon, just email it on in along with a greeting, any weblinks and/or anything else you want to say to fullmoon@werewolfcafe.com at anytime (or you can use the "submit" feature on any page of this site).
A thought for this full moon phase: at The Werewolf Café, the customer is always right..........especially when that customer is a werewolf!
Thank you for dropping by today, until next time, beware of the full moon...
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