Submitted by: BlueEyesWolf

Here's my fanpicture picture for The 1st anniversary of the Werewolf Cafe at the March Full Moon.

Happy Birthday

four comments:

Better watch out! Looks like Zage might try to bogart that cake! ;)
Bill Taylor aka RedStreak () - March 24 2005 - 09:28

slave2moonlight is concerned that he is never in these pics, Blue Eyes! :P Great art though! I notice that us guys seem to have the consistent idea that a celebration should always involve a girl popping out of a cake, ha!
slave2moonlight () (URL) - March 24 2005 - 13:05

BlueEyesWolf, who is everyone in that picture?
The Busboy - March 24 2005 - 19:27

From left to right…

RedStreak, NinjaWolf, BlueEyesWolf, Fuzzball, Zage and Skitzo.

Slave2moonlight, I will do a fanart picture of you someday. It’s just that there is so many of you werewolves, werecats and one werefox that I keep forgetting to put you in the picture too. Sorry….
BlueEyesWolf - March 25 2005 - 01:47

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