The Cadre Corner Communique
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Jesse "Cadre" Hansen has been kind enough to give us our own forum at his site. For those of you who don't know who Jesse is, he's been featured here before and is quite active in our forums. Allow me to repost from his bio at his forum (hopefully he doesn't mind...there are plenty of links here...):
I am Jesse "Cadre" Hansen, a professional inker currently working with six different publishers including Workhorse. I am the founder of the Cadre Corner, an art studio which focuses on taking talented individuals and helping them get their feet wet. I am using the foot that I have wedged into the professional realm where I got MY foot in the door and hoping that the others will use this opportunity to their advantage and simply break that door down.
Let's see... a bit about myself... hmmm... I am a 30 year old male, married to a beautiful and understanding wife, and am hoping to make a splash in the comic book field.
I am currently working on the following projects:
Cracked Magazine: #365 5 page story... "Bubba gets Cracked"
Workhorse Comics: Hellion #1
Brass Ball Comics: Bubba the Redneck Werewolf #5
Fuzzy Dice Studios/Vicious Circle Project: Forsaken Earth #4 and 5
GraphicIllustions Studios: The Rift #5 (2 pages and concept inks)
Singularity Studios: Gladiators (Online Comic) #1
Redoubt Studios: The West Side #1
Anything else ya like to know, feel free to ask.
Now, how about you?
The Cadre Corner
See mine and others artwork:
seven comments:
Of course I don’t mind… however it should be updated… lol… perhaps I can update it sometime and send ya’ll another one… for example, I am also the new Art Director for Brass Ball Comics… hee hee.
Cadre () (URL) - October 27 2004 - 13:42
Jesse is one cool Dude!
The Busboy - November 24 2004 - 17:13
Not only is Jesse one cool dude! He is a very busy one! Wow!
Karl Dabney () (URL) - October 31 2005 - 22:54
OLD article and link…
Needs updated…
The Cadre Corner Studios
Cadre (URL) - April 03 2007 - 07:25
new site
Jesse Hansen () (URL) - November 09 2010 - 22:42
new studio and site:
Thanks, hope you like what you see.
Jesse Hansen () (URL) - August 05 2014 - 18:13
Hello, I have browsed most of your posts. This post is probably where I got the most useful information for my research. Thanks for posting, maybe we can see more on this. Are you aware of any other websites on this subject.
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