Nigel Sade
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Fantastic art at Studio de Sade. I personally own a copy of the Recreation of Passarotti's Two-Headed Figure.
Here's what Nigel had to say about the work in an email to the Werewolf Café:
This is a recreation of Bartolomeo Passarotti's Two-headed figure. It is a ~17th century masterwork outlining the two faces of man. The Kindly old gentleman and the Beast. this image show that man is often overshadowed by the beast side of his being. This picture is often regarded as a picture about lycanthropy and the Passarotti had a thing about Werewolves. This piece got Passarotti in a bit of trouble with the church, but nothing as serious as previous artists had to face.
For me this piece marked my decision to become a professional artist. I was taking a class in drawing at Kent State University and our day's project was to recreate a masterwork in the medium that it was originally done. Everyone in the class was picking out their pieces and my professor comes to me and says "here your doing this!" and shoves this book at me ... so what do say to that but "K ..." then get to work. upon finishing the general response to the piece was positive! many liked it better than the original (a fact I blame on just doing a tighter hatching). So I figured that if I can merit a response that positive perhaps I should try and do this art thing professionally ... and the rest is history.
Nigel Sade
-- Studio de Sade --