slave2moonlight’s Werewolf Travel Adventures!
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Submitted by: slave2moonlight
slave2moonlight’s Werewolf Travel Adventures!
Edinburg, TX, May 19th, 2005, 12:00 a.m. - Star Wars Episode 3 Midnight Showing
Well folks, some time ago, it came to my attention that many of my friends here at the Werewolf Cafe are obsessive Star Wars fans like myself. Knowing this, I’m sure they shared my excitement on the first of this month, when the final film in the Star Wars Saga, “Star Wars, Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith,” hit store shelves. I’m confident that I was not the only werewolf staggering into the nearest retail store, running on hardly any sleep from the Halloween night before, making sure I snagged a copy of the sacred disc to complete my collection. Rushing home (safely, of course), I wasted no time in placing the film in my DVD player, pressing play, and reliving the hypnotic experience that is Anakin Skywalker’s fall into darkness. Almost immediately, I was taken back to that muggy, early morning of May 19th, 2005, when I saw the final installment of George Lucas’s epic masterpiece for the first time.
Holding tickets for the midnight premiere, my friend Marty and I made our way to the Carmike theater in nearby Edinburg, Texas, the best theater within reasonable driving distance. We arrived at the theater some time after 9pm on that night of the 18th, and the line didn’t look quite as bad as we’d feared. Nevertheless, it did extend quite a ways outside the doors of the theater, and we had to take our place at the end of it. The sky was dark already, and as the minutes slowly dragged by, the line grew longer and longer behind us. We eventually noticed a TV news van and, taking pictures with folks standing in line, two guys in top of the line Stormtrooper and Biker Scout uniforms. I’m highly suspicious that these two are the same uniform-owning pair that have posted their photos in a local pop-culture yahoo group I run. Anyways, I wanted my pic with the Imperial agents too, but didn’t want to lose my place in line, so I just leaned in so Marty could take a photo of me with his camera phone for the Cafe and get the troops in the background. Now, this wasn’t one of those incredible Star Wars premieres you see on TV, but, happily, a few people in line DID actually come in costume, and ya gotta love that. A lot of folks make fun, but it’s great to have a passion for something, and who can complain about cute girls dressed like Princess Leia? Le-rrowllll!! Myself, I wore my New Republic lapel pin, as usual, though it unfortunately didn’t make it into the picture.
Eventually, I guess the theater staff seated one theater full of people, because our segment of the line suddenly found ourselves waiting indoors instead of outdoors, which was a vast improvement. We looked around for the friends we had planned to meet their, but they had unfortunately arrived earlier than us and were taken away with that first group. After quite a while, Marty and I were finally seated too, and the anticipation was overwhelming! I pulled out a couple of bags of Jedi M&Ms to divy up, and we settled in to complete an important missing chapter in both our lives. All I can say is, it was AMAZING!!! Sure, this is old news by now, but what a ride that night was! Everything was orchestrated so well! Chewbacca and Darth Vader were back! Ian McDiarmid seemed to be channeling the demon from “The Exorcist,” Natalie Portman was an angel, as usual (though the same can be said for young Aunt Beru), Mace and the other Jedi kicked butt, and all those cast members playing characters from the original trilogy had never done their jobs so perfectly! That legendary lightsaber duel, man, that was awesome! Of course, the icing on the cake was the finale, which tied the Star Wars prequels to the classic trilogy soooo beautifully! It was truly a fantastic night at the movies! Plenty of stuff to talk about on the ride home, and I’m still discussing the loose-ends the film tied up with fellow fans to this day!
Of course, there was one thing missing to make this film the perfect final addition to the Star Wars saga: A Shistavanen Wolfman.
Yes, there is a race of wolf-people in the Star Wars Universe, though this proud race was previously only represented in the first film, “Episode 4: A New Hope,” by wolf-man Lak Sivrak in the Mos Eisley Cantina, who joined the rebellion and became one of the heroes of the Battle of Hoth. Tragically, to me anyway, among George Lucas’s 1997 alterations to the original Star Wars trilogy, Lak Sivrak was removed for looking too much like a Halloween mask! Outrage! This is probably the only “Special Editions” adjustment that really ticks me off. There are two bright-sides to Lak’s temporary existence in the Star Wars Universe though. For one, they DID actually make an action figure of Lak somewhere along the line. I can’t recall if it was shortly before or after the Special Editions were released, but I’m happy to say I have one in my collection.
Secondly, despite being removed from the film saga altogether, Lak’s species lives on, thanks to his fans! When given a choice between 3 or 4 designs for a new Jedi character to be featured in the recent Cartoon Network animated “Star Wars: Clone Wars” micro-series, fans chose a Shistavanen Wolfman named Voolvif Monn! Voolvif rocked as a new Jedi hero! According to the official Star Wars online databank, the heroic, loner Jedi Voolvif Monn survived the battle of Geonosis to be promoted to Jedi Master and a commander of troops during the Clone Wars.
Hopefully, the Shistavanen Wolfmen will continue to be an active part of the Star Wars saga in the television series to come and every other media the Star Wars Universe has successfully invaded! We Star Wars fans here at the Werewolf Cafe do have quite a lot to be thankfully for at this special time of year!
Okay, that’s it for this edition of slave2moonlight’s Werewolf Travel Adventures! Remember, “Have fur, will travel!”