"The Lycanthrope" movie
Submitted by: Full Moon
A big thank you goes out to director Tony Quinn, musician Matt Thompson, cast members Zayra Alvarez, Whitney Blake, Gerardo Davila, Adrian Green, Andrew Grillo, Jaime Javor and Aida Omar for autographed promotional items for the upcoming werewolf movie "The Lycanthrope." You can visit "The Lycantrhope" movie website at www.lycanthropemovie.com for all kinds of information about this film including the movie trailer, screening information, cast member bios and more. Thank you cast members and crew members of "The Lycanthrope".
Here is an autographed postcard that was autographed by all the cast members:
one comment:
This wasn’t intentional. It came about organically. I don’t think I touched my iPad the first week I had the 6 Plus. Eventually, it lost its charge sitting unused on my nightstand.
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