Find the Werewolf Cafe Member...
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Slave2Moonlight by way of Full Moon
Hey guys, click on this link, then click on "The Crew," then click on my name.
Way to go Nathan!!!
four comments:
Thanks for the post and support, gang! Hopefully, some of my art will be in the Lycan Rising gallery soon too. Right now there are 3 pics from an earlier storyboard artist candidate. And by the way, I’m working on that Van Helsing review at this very moment. I’ve just been so busy lately with the film and other projects! A nice change from the past few years of my life spent fruitlessly searching for an art/film-related job though, ha.
slave2moonlight - February 23 2005 - 01:46
Looking forward for the DVD’s art gallery, slave2moonlight!
BlueEyesWolf - February 23 2005 - 02:25
Congratulations Nathan!
Jim - February 23 2005 - 08:36
A long needed update here. Unfortunately, the film “Lycan Rising” was canceled sometime during initial casting due to creative differences between director and producers. Extra sad for me, because not only would it have been my first professional art experience, my entry into the world of filmmaking, and a chance for my own art gallery on the DVD, but I also was set to play a small speaking role in the film, which I was totally psyched for. Oh well. Happily, I am still working with C.H. Morris, the writer of Lycan Rising, on a graphic novel he is penning. And, ya never know what the future will hold for “Lycan Rising.” C.H. is still writing film scripts that they plan on producing, and “Lycan” is laying around there somewhere.
slave2moonlight - November 19 2005 - 21:48